Friday, February 26, 2010

Letterpress Wine Labels

This is my first blog post and I am looking forward to sharing what my husband and I do for fun. We love the finer things in life, letterpress, wine, and dogs just to name a few of our favorites. We have been making our own wine now for almost over a year. This is our latest batch, "Pomegranate Wild berry Zinfandel". The taste of the Pomegranate in the wine is fabulous, and I must admit it will make you very happy. This batch was fortified with a little extra sugar in the fermentation process. We finally decided to letterpress this label on our 1900 Chandler and Price platten press. We also printed on a brown bag to carry it in. "Seabrook Creek" is named after our creek we have running behind the house.

Our letterpress company is Copper Dog Press named after our Cocker Spaniel who is a beautiful copper color. Although my son insisted on calling her Sandy (you know how kids always win).